Project Kitchen for Belize Update!

Here is the new kitchen and the process of how the remodeling went.

Project Kitchen for Belize

Why Project Kitchen for Belize?
Having personally experienced the power of tourism to positively affect a traveler, I set up a study abroad program in Belize. I wanted this study abroad experience to be meaningful to the student in terms of both personal and academic development. But more than that, this travel experience was supposed to model how tourism can positively impact the environment, local people and local economies. With the help of Beyond Touring’s Laura Howard we set up a trip that could model ecotourism, including service to the community of Indian Church Village, as well as sustainable jungle and reef explorations. Ecotourism can be defined as: “Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people” (TIES, 1990). Since January 2009, more than 45 CSULB students have been to Belize and Indian Church Village through the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies and Beyond Touring. Every time we stay at Indian Church we are welcomed with open arms, and return back home changed because of the people we met and relations we formed. This project came about as a direct response to those trips. These students saw a need and acted on it. We want to positively impact this village even further by helping raise the $ 8,000 needed to replace and improve the kitchen that feeds us while there and proves to be one of the only sources of outside income to the village. On top of that we will dedicate 30% of the funds raised for future scholarships for CSULB Belize students. Became a part of the power of tourism! Help us raise this money!
Sincerely, Carolin Lusby